Address: 3853 FM 1999, Karnack, Texas 75661

Tapestry Of Consciousness Part I

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With the world constantly applying stress on us from every angle. Now, in this moment to take action. It is vital that we change our perspectives beginning today. It is our responsibility to take charge of our inner being by improving and opening ourselves. Making ourselves grow to always become better. In return we naturally change the world for the better.

Part One delves into forbidden subject matter at most diner tables. Such as exploring how to:

– Recognizing your attachments to disallow them from controlling your life.

– Learn the deeper importance of character.

– Discover the awe in everything.

– Gathering the inner power to forgive.

– Pull the veil off to see the program in which you live.

– Find inner peace and happiness.

– Figure out the right actions.

– Dealing with rejection.

– Bringing out your personal child to laugh often.

– Processing life instead of life processing you.

– Removing the desire for instant gratification.

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Course Content


  • Kevin’S Intro
  • Gil Intro
  • Judgment Vs Assessment
  • Attachments
  • Character
  • Finding The Awe
  • Happy
  • Laughter
  • Process
  • Program
  • Right
  • The Power Of Forgiveness
  • Gils Conclusion
  • Kevin’S Conclusion

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Mystics Of Texas

We believe life is more meaningful when we all have a deep understanding of ourselves, others, and communion with God. This allows for a more expansive respect for Mother Nature and all living creatures.

We believe there is not one prophet; not one religion; not one scope in scientific study; not one of mans “god(s)”; none of these could possibly have all the correct answers. So we explore them all with the reasoning ability the universe bestowed on us all to exercise.