Address: 3853 FM 1999, Karnack, Texas 75661
Prayer Request
Prayer and focused meditation on specific request is on offer to all of us. First hand experience has shown me how the power of prayer & focused meditation can have enormous impacts on the ones who practice it.
Our members gather regularly in this Sanctuary to pray & meditate in nature to commune with the Higher Power, Universal Energies, The Source Of All Things, who we call God. We do this to elevate our lives, bring us closer to each other, and develop inner strength to navigate this world.
If you have a prayer request for us then leave it in the form below. At our next gathering, we will pray & meditate for you. This powerful tool God gave us is one of the miracles of life that we use to help aid each other.
If you would like to pray & meditate with us then stay after our Sunday gatherings starting at 1:30 every Sunday. Please be here a little early because we typically start at 1:30 sharp. You don’t want to miss out. Thank you and may God bless you.
We believe life is more meaningful when we all have a deep understanding of ourselves, others, and communion with God. This allows for a more expansive respect for Mother Nature and all living creatures.
We believe there is not one prophet; not one religion; not one scope in scientific study; not one of mans “god(s)”; none of these could possibly have all the correct answers. So we explore them all with the reasoning ability the universe bestowed on us all to exercise.
Copyrights 2025. All Rights Reserved. Mystics Of Texas.