Address: 3853 FM 1999, Karnack, Texas 75661

The Old Testament
Worship Begins At 1:30 pm Every Sunday

Home » The Old Testament

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You only thought you knew the Old Testament until you read it completely cover to cover, or go through each book with us here. Enjoy your religious learning and increase your learning with an open mind.

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where are my gods
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jacob sneaks off
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jacob kidnaps his wives
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hehovah continues rewarding odd behavior
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jacob gets another sex slave
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jehovah rewards multiple wives
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2nd wife 1st cousin is pregnant
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hi i'm your sex-slave wife
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kiss me stranger
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lie cheat distrust god & steal to climb jacobs ladder
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yes you can marry
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he lied again
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get out of here
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yes cheer iam a liar like abraham
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why did you lie to me
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go take the bastard with you
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she will do
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sorry son
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go get out
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we fooled another king
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Jehovah allows the saved ones
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Lot Offers His Daughters To The Crowd Like A Sick Coward
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jehovah kills them all
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Play Video about Jehovah Doesn't Introduce His 3 Companions
is this real
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multilate your peins
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Unbelievable Sarah’s laughter in Jehovah’s face
Play Video about Unbelievable Sarah’s laughter in Jehovah’s face
Cut it Off For Jehovah - That's What Is Says
Play Video about Cut it Off For Jehovah - That's What Is Says
Play Video about What’s-The-Reason-To-Change-Abram’s-Name
Why did God change Abram's name to Abraham
Play Video about Why did God change Abram's name to Abraham
Does the Bible Really Allow Sex Slaves
Play Video about Does the Bible Really Allow Sex Slaves
unveiling biblical mysteries genesis
Play Video about unveiling biblical mysteries genesis
The Enigmatic Tale of Abram's Deception & Divine Rewards
Play Video about The Enigmatic Tale of Abram's Deception & Divine Rewards
Abram Acts Like A Coward
Play Video about Abram Acts Like A Coward
Jehovah’s Demanding Command Abraham’s Unexpected Task
Play Video about Jehovah’s Demanding Command Abraham’s Unexpected Task
Play Video about Unlocking-the-Mystery-Jehovahs-Mysterious-Dislike-for-the-Tower-of-Babel
Play Video about Unveiling-Jehovah’s-Promises-Is-He-Breaking-His-Word
Unveiling Jehovah's Unexpected Assistant in Tower Destruction
Play Video about Unveiling Jehovah's Unexpected Assistant in Tower Destruction
Jehovah's Mysterious Disapproval
Play Video about Jehovah's Mysterious Disapproval
The Mystery of Noah's Flood
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Journey Back in Time Exploring Pre Biblical Gaza
Play Video about Journey Back in Time Exploring Pre Biblical Gaza
Unveiling the Mystery How do Nimrod's New Cities Really Operate
Play Video about Unveiling the Mystery How do Nimrod's New Cities Really Operate
Noah's Sons Left Speechless Dad's Intoxicated State Exposed
Play Video about Noah's Sons Left Speechless Dad's Intoxicated State Exposed
Play Video about Unlocking-Noah’s-Hidden-Message-Can-We-Drink-Alcohol
Play Video about The-Remarkable-Speed-At-Which-Noah’s-Sons-Repopulated-The-Earth
Uncover That Jehovah's Covenant Has Expired
Play Video about Uncover That Jehovah's Covenant Has Expired
Stunning Revelations Jehovah Supports Death Penalties, Sex, & Regrets Creating Man
Play Video about Stunning Revelations Jehovah Supports Death Penalties, Sex, & Regrets Creating Man
Play Video about The Shocking Commandment No Meat With Blood Allowed For Us To Eat
Secret Revealed God Purposely Installs Fear & Dread in All Animals
Play Video about Secret Revealed God Purposely Installs Fear & Dread in All Animals
Hidden Betrayal Exposing Jehovah’s Deceptive Claim of No More Killing
Play Video about Hidden Betrayal Exposing Jehovah’s Deceptive Claim of No More Killing
The Secret Behind Jehovah’s Diet Keto & Animal Sacrifice
Play Video about The Secret Behind Jehovah’s Diet Keto & Animal Sacrifice
Noah’s Ark Fact or Fiction Examining The Literal Flood Story
Play Video about Noah’s Ark Fact or Fiction Examining The Literal Flood Story
Play Video about The Mysterious Void Forgotten Flood Legends Before The Bible
Play Video about Fact or Fiction Was Noah’s Ark Capable Of Saving All Life Bible
The Shocking Truth Jehovah Destroys Lives In A Flood
Play Video about The Shocking Truth Jehovah Destroys Lives In A Flood
The Anger Man’s Mysterious Transgression Pre-Bible
Play Video about The Anger Man’s Mysterious Transgression Pre-Bible
Play Video about The Bible’s Shocking Revelation God’s Regret Over Creating Mankind
Uncovering the Shocking Truth Behind the Bible What You Didn't Know!
Play Video about Uncovering the Shocking Truth Behind the Bible What You Didn't Know!
Debunking Myths Did Giants Exist According to Genesis Kevin Schmidt
Play Video about Debunking Myths Did Giants Exist According to Genesis Kevin Schmidt
The Secret Bloodline Genesis and The Connection to God
Play Video about The Secret Bloodline Genesis and The Connection to God
Play Video about Unlocking the Mystery Did We Modify Human DNA to Hinder Extreme Longevity Kevin Schmidt
Where Did Jehovah Go Question For The Bible
Play Video about Where Did Jehovah Go Question For The Bible
Is There Any Significance To Vibration & Frequency Bible Questions
Play Video about Is There Any Significance To Vibration & Frequency Bible Questions
Play Video about Uncovering The Divine Sons of God vs Men - Exploring the Spiritual Journey
God Implies Multiple Wives Is Okay Questions For The Bible
Play Video about God Implies Multiple Wives Is Okay Questions For The Bible
Where Is Enoch & Why Remove His Book Questions For The Bible
Play Video about Where Is Enoch & Why Remove His Book Questions For The Bible
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Mystics Of Texas

We believe life is more meaningful when we all have a deep understanding of ourselves, others, and communion with God. This allows for a more expansive respect for Mother Nature and all living creatures.

We believe there is not one prophet; not one religion; not one scope in scientific study; not one of mans “god(s)”; none of these could possibly have all the correct answers. So we explore them all with the reasoning ability the universe bestowed on us all to exercise.