Address: 3853 FM 1999, Karnack, Texas 75661

Tapestry Of Consciousness Part II

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These topics concern you and us on deep levels. If you want these conversations to benefit you, then start by clicking here now:

 Living in the moment can be difficult when our minds take us to the past and future. Never mind the moment. This moment is all we have. Join us by seeing the rippling effect of all these topics allowing us to be aware in every living moment.

 Be aware of the now. Be aware of our moods, actions, words, and emotions in our every now moment. The now is the overriding factor in these fascinating topics.

 Doing this takes courage. Becoming a self explorer with the intent of growing every second into the better person you want to be and know you can is what this is about. Can you reach out of your comfort zone holding you back to join us? If so, do it by clicking the start now button:

Let’s look at what you will find in the deeper Part Two:

– What is Karma? Make it work for you.

– The real nature of reality.

– Coming to terms with the temporary nature of our possessions.

– Overcoming trauma.

– Discovering the birthplace of your thoughts. What they are, and are they yours.

– The reasons why words matter.

– Dealing with trauma and fear head on.

– Understanding how everything is frequency and resonance.

– Discarding jealousy.

– Observing the fields of humanity.

– Recognizing our toxic humor.

– Come to know the infinite possibilities of monogamy.

– Embracing your laughter.

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Course Content


  • Kevin’S Introduction
  • Gils Introduction
  • Frequency And Resonance
  • Karma
  • Laugh
  • Reality
  • Temporary Possessions
  • Thoughts
  • Trauma
  • Understanding Jealousy
  • Words
  • Gils Conclusion
  • Kevin’S Conclusion

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Mystics Of Texas

We believe life is more meaningful when we all have a deep understanding of ourselves, others, and communion with God. This allows for a more expansive respect for Mother Nature and all living creatures.

We believe there is not one prophet; not one religion; not one scope in scientific study; not one of mans “god(s)”; none of these could possibly have all the correct answers. So we explore them all with the reasoning ability the universe bestowed on us all to exercise.