Address: 3853 FM 1999, Karnack, Texas 75661

Tapestry Of Consciousness Part III

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About Course

In the third part, we go beyond the norm with these topics. The open heart and mind can gain a broader and more meaningful understanding of these through this engagement.

Read these to discover if they are topics you need to know and discuss.

Here’s what you’ll dive into in Part Three:


– How communities we develop can drastically improve the quality of life.

– Connecting to the source, infinite intelligence, divinity.

– Discovering the soul.

– Everything is vibrations.

– Meet all the people sitting at your personal inner round table in your heart & mind.

– Opening up your spiritual toolbox.

– Making your ego a friend.

– We are the heavens.

– Is reincarnation real?

– Holographic human body.

– Core code of creation.

– The earth is pregnant.

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Course Content


  • Kevin’s Introduction
  • Ego
  • Community & Belonging
  • Connecting To Source
  • Core Code Of Creation
  • Holographic Human Body
  • Reincarnation
  • Soul
  • Vibration And Light
  • We Are The Heavens
  • Kevin’S Conclusion

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Mystics Of Texas

We believe life is more meaningful when we all have a deep understanding of ourselves, others, and communion with God. This allows for a more expansive respect for Mother Nature and all living creatures.

We believe there is not one prophet; not one religion; not one scope in scientific study; not one of mans “god(s)”; none of these could possibly have all the correct answers. So we explore them all with the reasoning ability the universe bestowed on us all to exercise.