Address: 3853 FM 1999, Karnack, Texas 75661
Why Do You Struggle?
Tragedy and loss haunt us all. Death is a taboo subject. Fear is disguised over with bravado. Jealousy destroys our relationships.
Turning inside ourselves creates anxiety for not knowing what we may find. Expressing genuine love and admiration gets squashed due to inability to handle rejection.
Most people want to improve their mental, physical, emotional, and spiritual well-being. Yet most do little to get there. You can be the person who overcomes themself by taking simple small steps that alter your path.
By reading this you may be one of the few that will take consistent actions to grow out of your current circumstance. We applaud you and ask you to join with us on a new journey of thought.
We mostly lie to ourselves. If you think you don’t then you’re lying now.
Humanity, as a whole, does not engage in conversations that reach into the heart of who we really are in order to develop individual growth.
Instead continuing to allow fear, jealousy, anxiety, loss, and our current situations dictate the level of our inner peace.
You can start by engaging yourself now.
By joining us in this 3 part study conversation, you will recognize parts of yourself you didn’t realize before. Then use the new found discoveries and thought processes to enhance your inner peace and outer life.
Regardless of where you find yourself in life today, you struggle with judgment. Judgment upon yourself and others. Learn how to recognize it by transforming negative judgments into their rightful place.
Why wait? Take the action now by clicking here.
There are over 10 critical discussions on widely different topics in each program conversation. Over 30 in all. Each take us into the depths of ourselves to reveal how we can improve by providing higher levels of peace and understanding.
Learn how to be aware by living in the present. Join the conversation right now.
These valuable conversation programs can be purchased individually or in whole at a discount.
Helping you is our goal. By helping you, we bring more light and peace into the world one person at a time.
Also, as a benefit your purchase helps us continue to produce consistent subject matter that is found on our Engaging Conversation page of this site that benefits thousands every week.
Save in the future by buying all three now.
40% off on the upcoming programs going even deeper into these and many other important personal conversations which is being currently produced. It will come with an audiobook; softcover book; detailed guidelines and instructions and so much more. Plus the physical self defense program in production now taught by multiple black belts in the arts of self defense.
Thank you. We appreciate your willingness to explore together and join us in the great conversations that we all need to be involved in.
We believe life is more meaningful when we all have a deep understanding of ourselves, others, and communion with God. This allows for a more expansive respect for Mother Nature and all living creatures.
We believe there is not one prophet; not one religion; not one scope in scientific study; not one of mans “god(s)”; none of these could possibly have all the correct answers. So we explore them all with the reasoning ability the universe bestowed on us all to exercise.
Copyrights 2025. All Rights Reserved. Mystics Of Texas.