Address: 3853 FM 1999, Karnack, Texas 75661

Tapestry Of
Consciousness Part-I

In the hustle and bustle of our daily lives, we often find ourselves entangled in the mundane, rarely delving into the depths of conversations that truly matter. The quest for self-improvement and spiritual growth is a journey embraced by individuals across various religions and modalities. It is a journey that transcends the ordinary, seeking to unveil the extraordinary within ourselves. In this pursuit, there lies a hidden treasure – a video online course meticulously crafted to guide you on this transformative expedition.

Life's Essence
A Short Expedition to Meaningful Living

Discovering the Unspoken: A Unique Conversation

The spiritual course is more than just a series of lectures; it is an intimate dialogue about the aspects of life that often go unexplored in our daily conversations. Delving into the realms of spiritual self-improvement, it invites you to embark on a journey of self-discovery and growth. The creators have poured love, compassion, and understanding into every aspect, ensuring that this isn’t just an online spiritual course but a profound exploration of the self.

A Journey Beyond Lectures: Purposeful and Content Living

This online personality development course is not about imparting information; it’s about a shared expedition towards a purposeful and content life. Each module has been thoughtfully prepared to elevate your vibrational levels, fostering love, understanding, and a deeper connection with your inner self. It goes beyond the surface, guiding you toward a life where every moment holds meaning and fulfillment.

A Family of Seekers: Exploring Deeper Realms Together

As you enroll in this transformative personal development course, you become a part of a close-knit family of seekers. Together, you’ll explore, experiment, and reach within to unravel the deeper realms of consciousness. This communal aspect ensures that you are not on this journey alone; rather, you have a support system that understands the significance of every step you take towards self-improvement.

Beyond Measure

Practical Tips and Knowledge

The course offers practical tips and knowledge that supplement your existing practices, regardless of your religious or spiritual background.

Carefully Crafted Content

The creators have invested immense care into this spiritual training course, curating content that resonates with the heart and soul of every seeker.

Hopeful Transformation

The creators welcome you with hope, knowing that this shared journey will lead to elevated levels of love, understanding, and coexistence.

Purpose and Contentment

Through this self motivation course, discover the keys to unlocking a life filled with purpose and contentment, transcending the ordinary to embrace the extraordinary.

Reduction in Stress
Improved Sleep Quality
Increased Productivity
Overcoming trauma

In a world filled with noise, this spiritual self-improvement course emerges as a beacon of serenity and enlightenment. It beckons you to leave behind the ordinary and venture into a realm of profound self-discovery. With every module, you’ll find yourself becoming not just a student but an active participant in a transformative journey towards a purposeful and content life.


Elevate your vibrational levels, embrace love and understanding, and join this family of seekers. The course isn’t just about improvement; it’s about a metamorphosis that transcends the boundaries of everyday existence. Enroll today and embark on a journey that will redefine your understanding of self and life.

Sneak peek into the course

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About Course Creators


Being raised in a traditional family in the States, resulting in being exposed deeply into 3 extremely different Christian faiths (Catholic, Pentecostal, & Baptist). At an early age Kevin felt compelled to believe that there was more to the Spirit than what was taught in those denominations. After a solid 10 plus years into self exploration, Kevin had several tragedies that set the path of self knowledge into overdrive. This led to him creating the sanctuary, Mystics Of Texas, nestled in the piney woods of East Texas on the Louisiana/Texas border. For years Kevin has built a refuge for everyone seeking to broaden their spiritual path of understanding where the focus has been: self exploration that results in a higher quality of life, thereby allowing for enhanced relationships, and ultimately an advanced connection to nature & The Infinite.

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Born in Israel where he spent the formative years contemplating religious & spiritual tensions in the Middle East, Gil went on to delve into a decades long practice of many spiritual modalities. This honed his skills in meditation, building & maintaining solid relationships, and a meaningful connection to the energetic forces of the universe. Gil’s world travels landed him most of adulthood in the United States living on both coast. The Source brought Gil & Kevin together where for half a year the pair worked tirelessly on their life’s spiritual experience & knowledge to distill a course for all stages of inner work. This course work is the culmination of combined deep understanding into the elevation of Spirit. Thus, allowing individuals insight into the varied slices of themselves on the path of awareness.

A course by



Get the Complete Tapestry of Consciousness Course at a Special Price.

Course Content

Spiritual Self-Improvement: This Course Is Beyond Lectures

4.48 Hours of video content

Feeling lost and disconnected? Remember, even small changes can lead to incredible results. Take the first step toward lasting happiness and fulfillment today!

Mystics Of Texas

Mystics Of Texas

We believe life is more meaningful when we all have a deep understanding of ourselves, others, and communion with God. This allows for a more expansive respect for Mother Nature and all living creatures.

We believe there is not one prophet; not one religion; not one scope in scientific study; not one of mans “god(s)”; none of these could possibly have all the correct answers. So we explore them all with the reasoning ability the universe bestowed on us all to exercise.